
Everything you need to know about Black Resell

Black Resell - This is the sale of high-quality replicas of popular brands of clothing, shoes and accessories under the guise of the original.


Unlimited supply of any kind of replica clothing and accessories


Replicas are produced using expensive and modern equipment


Daily support 15/7


BLACKWAVE is the creator of the largest Black Resell training.
We are professionals in our field, having behind us not only extensive experience, but also many achievements.

How does it work?


You purchase current products from Chinese suppliers, which you receive through cooperation with us.


You prepare a product for further publication on popular trading platforms.


You sell a product and receive 300% net profit from almost every product sold.

More than 2 million users purchase various branded clothing every day

We use all popular platforms to interact with customers and quickly achieve our sales


Choose one of two packages

Full Access

£ 500
  • check Private agents in China
  • check 20 premium suppliers of clothing, shoes and accessories
  • check Invitation to a private community chat
  • check Invitation to the VIP community
  • check Regular updates of the list of suppliers
  • check Invitation to student chat to provide feedback
  • check Free activation of WeChat
  • check 1:1 admin support
  • check Future trends
  • check VIP content
  • check Receipt generator
  • check A private guide to what's on sale now
  • check Daily technical support

Platinum Guide

£ 1000
  • check Full Access
  • check Your Personal Full-Time Mentor: Get the support you need with a dedicated mentor guiding you every step of the way. We guarantee success, or your money back!